Driving Environmental Excellence at Ravebo
Ravebo's Commitment to Sustainability
Ravebo is committed to sustainability, including environmental principles as an integral part of our business. This commitment is based on our ambition to contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We adhere to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We comply with applicable environmental and international laws.
Contributing to Clean Oceans and Environmental Improvement
Ravebo is dedicated to contribute to societal needs and challenges by focusing on clean oceans and environmental improvement through our products and services. We align with the objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement by reducing energy consumption and utilizing cleaner, renewable energy sources. Collaborating with our employees and partners, we aim to minimize the CO2 footprint of our services. Embracing new technologies is integral to our management policy, with a strong emphasis on addressing climate change in our business practices.
Preventing Environmental Contamination in Marine Services
When servicing on board or during dry dock repairs, we prioritize the prevention of contamination and strive to minimize any negative environmental impact. This is achieved by abstaining from the use of chemicals and taking necessary precautions to avoid any environmental incidents. We ensure the safe removal or containment of pollutants before they can be released into the environment. At Ravebo, we are committed to a comprehensive policy that focuses on preventing or limiting soil, water, light, noise, and air pollution. Additionally, we actively address the production or disposal of waste products and the use of hazardous materials. Our efforts include the implementation of separate waste collection and treatment systems, as well as the efficient utilization of water and energy resources.
Proactive Environmental Management Strategies
Ravebo places great importance on environmental management. Our primary objective is to proactively identify any potential negative environmental and social impacts resulting from our business operations and implement suitable measures to prevent, halt, minimize, or mitigate them. In cases where we are directly associated with a substantial adverse effect through a business partnership, we leverage our influence to encourage the partner to prevent or decrease such impacts.
Fostering a Culture of Environmental Awareness
At Ravebo, we strive to foster a culture of awareness and motivation among our employees and partners. Our priority is to protect the environment and respect communities, and we actively promote sustainability initiatives. We believe that by encouraging awareness and motivation, we can make a positive impact on the world around us.